Why do people learn? Do they do it for the possibility of earning money later in life or possibly to broaden their knowledge of the world? Regardless of what their motives for learning many people pursue an education throughout their lives. This is because many people believe that having an education guarantees or at least equals success. Success however cannot be simply amounted to a persons education level. It is not the education that determines success, in fact there is nothing that can guarantee success. We can only increase our chances of success, and while education does play a factor, it only plays a minor one. Rather it is the hard work and determination people face while learning that helps them the most. Having a good education only simply allows a head start in a race, it is hard work and effort that carries them through the rest of the way. Education can be compared to talent. People often say that talent does not mean everything, this is because talent only goes so far. Talent cannot carry someone through a hard task, effort and determination, on the other hand, can.
Education is not a necessity for success, in fact some people regard college as unnecessary. This is true in certain fields, after all information in books often pale in comparison to on hand experiences. Furthermore the price of college has risen throughout the years, and many are unable to pay off the costs. In the pursuit of knowledge, college is still not necessary. The library has thousands of references, and with the internet, people are able to locate various information from the comfort of their own home. College is simply there for people to get a degree/title that shows that they are smart. Regardless of the degree, companies will still regard work experience as more important than a degree. Degree teaches the subject theoretically, however it takes experience to successfully implement theory into reality.
People who do not enjoy what they are studying is bound to be unsuccessful in that field or area of expertise. This is because being successful requires effort that no amount of previous knowledge can make up. In extremist cases, there are millionaires who have dropped out of college or did not even attend college who have become extremely successful. Life's road is not so simple as to be determined through only 1 event, college is an option, and it does not necessary for success.
I agree with many points in your essay. I believe knowledge comes from real life experiences and not being in a classroom. I liked how you said you do not have to go to college to be successful. In this area there is so much pressure to go to college, when going to college doesn't determine success. Do you believe college isn’t necessary? I believe college isn’t a necessity, but an option. There are many good careers out there that don’t require college. What are you basing a person’s success on? There are many different criteria, such as money, contribution to society, and amount of material items. Personally, I just want to be happy, that would make me feel successful. From this blog, it sounds like you do a lot of learning on your own. Do you plan to go to college, or educate yourself? I like your take on getting an education compared to the pursuit of knowledge. Very Interesting!
ReplyDeleteI feel that your essay hits some key points that people in society today still do not know. It is agreeable that having a high education with a degree does not guarantee a job and the financial gain that comes with it. Someone could be in college for five or more years working for a degree while someone else gets a job out of high school and starts earning money a lot sooner. I'm not trying to discourage people from going to college, but as you mentioned going to college and getting a degree does increase one's chance of getting a job with potentially higher pay. I suppose the main point of this is to show people that having to get a college degree is a requirement for success. Your essay made an interesting point that even many people in our generation still do not know. It brings something to think about when deciding what to do in the future. I really do like seeing this post, good thinking.